One fun day
Today, Roger, Betty & Karen took us to the Dakota County Fair.
It was hot, but it was fun.
So much fun, Gabe didn't want to leave.
So much fun, Elle went on rides ALL BY HERSELF!
So much fun, they climbed to new heights...
So much fun, we fell down.
So much fun, both my kids grew up today.
My baby girl is 3 1/2 and had no fear boarding a ride on her own. I have no doubt my baby boy would have as well if the ride operators would have let him. Today, my kids were on their own...without I stood outside the gate and watched. Today was a big day. There are stages and milestones I was prepared for as a mom. No one told me about this one. It made me extremely happy and incredibly scared all at one time. I find myself at a loss for words to describe what I felt today. I guess all I can say is, today, I witnessed my children actually growing up for the first time, and it was amazing.
Maybe that's why no one told me about it, because it is so amazing. There is no way to know when or where or how this stage or milestone will come. There is no rocking as if preparing to crawl or drool as if teething or sputterings as if preparing for "Mama", there just is. And what is can only be defined by my children.