If you want more...

I do my best to post the daily picture on a daily basis, but let's face it, stuff gets in the way.  So if you want to take a trip over to NoemiPhotography you can peak at the Mini Session photos she got of our family.

Noemi is an amazing photographer, as is evident from the photos, but not only that, her amazing-ness (yep I said it) expands to motherhood, woman of God, friend, the list just doesn't end.  She's just awesome!  Check her out for fun, for getting your own great shots taken or if you're wanting more education behind the camera she offers these great, so I've heard, Focused Photography Workshops. Great right!?  She's even on Facebook.  You should "like" her.

I've told her this before but I would get married again just so she would do the pictures.  Of course I'd remarry Kyle!

Happy blog surfing!


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