Superhero Birthday Party

Alright, time for a play-by-play of GaberBaby’s Superhero/Hero Birthday Bash.

First, I have to precede this with the fact that I had so much more in mind than what we were able to do. I determined while I love being a mom AND a party planner, I cannot rob my children and myself from experiencing that day.  Conflict of interests I guess. :) It was fun but not exactly what I wanted.

Anyway, we sent out regular e-vites and Batman invitiations from Party City.

The “blurb” on all the invites said this:

Extra Extra! Read all about it.  Superhero madness in wake of 1 year birthday!  Superheroos from around the world unite to celebrate the birthday of Superman (Gaber Baby)!

Those hosting wish all those attending to be their superhero-selves or applicable villians(wear your superhero garb).

When you RSVP please comment what hero/superhero/villian you are. :)

See link below for ideas of Superheroes or come as your favorite non-super (Indiana Jones, Captain Jack Sparrow, Jason Bourne, etc.) (copy and paste link).”

“Yes” was “On My Honor”, “No” was “Crime doesn’t take nights off”, and “Maybe” was “I’ll have to check with my side-kick”.  We had Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Spiderman, cowboys/girls, one of the Boondock Saints, Supergirl (young and older), a superpup, a firefighter, a military officer, and Tomb Raider among others.

We had three games.  A Superhero Jumble (can you get them all):

A “Wall of Weird” (if you’re a Smallville fan then you get this).  Gabe’s guests had to guess the age he was in each of the photos (can you guess?):
a b
e f

And a mask making/costume contest which was titled Edna Mold’s Super-suit stop (The Incredibles).  Kyle’s sister won.  She MADE her SuperGirl Costume.  Everyone agreed she had the best!

We had snack-style food since it was Halloween and shortly before dinner.  We had meatballs which were “Meteors” and blue, red and white chips (very Superman), and guacamole (green kryptonite), salsa (read kryptonite), and queso (strength from the yellow sun) for the chips.  We also had  puppychow (Underdogs Puppy Chow) some fruit and of course some candy.

I also made my first attempt at using fondant to create a Dialy Planet cake.

We had bunches of balloons; one with Spiderman, one with Batman, and one with Optimus Prime.  We had pictures of superheroes hanging from the lights and some standing on the tables (put cardboard on the back of the picture and taped a second piece to stabilize it).

The Thank You’s are the BEST though.  Kyle DREW a mini comic just for GaberBaby!!


So that was his party.  It went well but it could have gone better.  Not that he’ll know the difference and aren’t the first birthdays really more for us than them?

Gabe, the morning of his birthday.

Gabe at his party, playing with his presents.

The best part.

Just missing Elle.

Really, all that's left to say is "Thank You" to everyone that came and helped make the day special.  So from Spiderman (Kyle), Tomb Raider (me), Young Super Girl (Elle),

& Superman/GaberBaby...

Thank you!!!!


ElissaM said…
Oh my goodness Eryn! That was awesome! I am sure that is something that you will look back on for so long! Seriously Dad did great with that comic was hilarious! I got all of the smallville things too...very creative!

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